How to buy FSN?
Where can I buy FSN?
Before buying FSN on any exchange, it's important to research various aspects of the exchange. You can use stats platforms like Coin Market Cap, Coingecko, Live Coin Watch, and Dex Tools for decentralized exchanges to check the exchange's holdings of FSN. You can also check the actual holdings of FSN through the block explorers Fsnscan and FSNEX.
Exchanges are ranked based on their holdings of FSN:
Top Tier:
Chainge Finance*
High Tier:
Mid Tier:
Low Tier:
Freemoon Exchange
Other DEXs*
Other CEXs*
*Chainge Finance has the highest liquidity in the FSN/CHNG and FSN/USDT pairings. Other pairings may also have decent liquidity, but be aware of slippage when trading illiquid pairings.
*Huobi has a history of temporarily closing deposit and withdrawal services.
*On AnySwap non Fusion native assets use different contracts than on Chainge.
*PancakeSwap can be a good option for small amounts of FSN if you don't already have it on Fusion and prefer DeFi over CEXs. Transfer your FSN to Chainge Finance using a small amount of BNB, then send it cross-chain to Fusion.
*Other DEXs should generally be safe to use, except Binance DEX, which trades an outdated BEP2 FSN contract, no longer in use.
*When using CEXs not listed here, it's important to thoroughly research the exchange's holdings of FSN.
*Bibox has very low holdings of FSN and has a history of not honoring customer withdrawal requests.