@FomoFSN has issued two art contests! Rules below, for the Fusion contest:

But there's also a similar contest for Chainge:

So, overall four prizes, 2 for Fusion art and 2 for Chainge art, and entries should be submitted to FusionCommunityContest@gmail.com The rules of the contests are summarized below:
1. The contest will run from 1st April 2021 until 14th April 2021
(11:59pm GMT).
2. You can submit unlimited artworks during the 14 days.
3. All submissions will be voted on by the Fusion and Chainge
communities until we have chosen the top 5 designs. We will
then start a new vote with just those 5 designs.
4. You do not have to be the artist yourself, but you can be the
only person to submit it and only one entry per art piece.
5. You can have family, friends, commissioned work done and
6. All designs must be new, and not previously used in community.
1st place prize for Fusion & Chainge design: 400 FSN and a FREE shirt
printed with your art on the back
2nd place prize for Fusion & Chainge design: 100 FSN
Please submit all entries to: FusionCommunityContest@gmail.com
Further Fusionite.info has issued some "seed words of inspiration" (a new word will be given out each day). Art that tries to capture the essence of these in a good way, may yield a special secret prize. Words issued so far: SWARM, MIXTURE, HOLD, JOY, AGE, BUZZ, SECRET, LABEL, HONEY, DRINK, DERIVE and KEY. If you "get" this, please DM me.
Follow me on Twitter, to keep up to date with the latest words. There will be a total of 12.
Terms & Conditions
Disclaimer: All artworks submitted can and will
be used by Fusion Guerilla Marketing
Team and other community members
in the future to bring awareness to Fusion,
and the Fusion ecosystem.
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